I am thankful for these moments of happiness: Hearing my son talking to himself in the morning when he wakes up; seeing his little head bob from side to side to music; listening in on the laughter that he and my husband share during bath time; watching him walking around while waving toys in his hand, jabbering dadada. I love it when he puts his arms up for me to hold him, then he puts his head on my shoulder and says "aw." I love it when he tries to feed me Cheerios and then cracks up when I actually eat one. I love it when he toddles with his push toy, delivering the newspaper from the front of the house to the kitchen in his little pajamas.

When my husband comes home from work, he rings his bike bell, and my son gets so excited that he kicks his little feet and looks toward the back door, whispering "papa, papa, papa." I know how he feels, because nothing is better than the three of us together. I feel lucky to have gotten the son that I have and to have discovered the dad that my husband is, and I'm so thankful for the little family we have created.
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